

  • May 1st

    Bimhuis Amsterdam


    Spring Duets

    Kristina Fuchs & Jeroen van Vliet


Siebren Smink, Oene van Geel & Kristina Fuchs @ Splendor, march 18h at 20:15


New album coming up!


Kristina Fuchs and Jeroen van Vliet are planning a new Duo-recording – the album is due to be released in Spring 2025. We will keep you posted…

B.C. Manjunath & NEuE


A joy to start the new concert season with is the composition of Antonio Moreno Glazkov for Indian percussionist B.C. Manjunath and New European Ensemble where I am invited to participate. September 9th in ConcertLab/Leeuwenbergh – don’t miss it… see more…

New CD out: 37FERN


Two bassclarinets and two singers – what a band! Together with Oğuz Büyükberber, Tobias Klein and Claron McFadden I recorded a CD for the project 37FERN, released on the Dutch label Trytone. It’s for sale now and we made it to the cover of the Dutch Clarinet Magazine 😀
buy here

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